Today I was reading “The consumer: A republic of fat “by Chevat Richie and Michael Pollan, while reading it I ran into something that really caught my attention. What caught my attention was something that a surgeon general said,”obesity today is officially an epidemic”. The fact that obesity is being compared to an epidemic is a very huge problem because to me it is being said that obesity is an outbreak of disease. Obesity has been a very huge problem in the United States for years and it’s getting to a point where it’s affecting our new generation.
According to the reading “children may turn out to be the first generation of Americans whose life expectancy will actually be shorter than that of their parents,” it is very sad to hear something like that because I believe parents are a very huge influence in their kids life an health and if you are an unhealthy parents there is a 90% chance your child is going to be unhealthy as well. An example I have with that is about my brother. My stepmom is unhealthy and so is my dad, they eat at all hours and don’t really watch what they out in there mouth. My 5 year old brother is adapting to that same habit of eating late and eating a lot of sweets. The other day my stepmom took him for a check up and the doctor told her that he’s at risk of getting diabetes if she doesn’t watch his weight closely. After reading that little passage it really scares me to know that my brother might be one of those children mentioned of living shorter than their parents.
I think it’s about time that Americans realize that obesity is killing us and they should take action and start eating healthy for the sake of their health and their kids health.
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